/ People / Thilo Glatzel

QCQT Best Poster and Presentation Awards

QCQT award winners

The winners were Yang Liu for the best poster and Jibin N Sunil for the best presentation!

The PhD Association Physics Basel, in collaboration with the QCQT PhD School of the Department of Physics at the University of Basel, organised a PhD Poster & Flash Talk Session on November 7th, 2024. The event featured comprehensive research presentations and was attended by 50-60 PhD students. Sixteen students gave concise one-minute flash talks, while two poster sessions provided detailed presentations of current research.
The QCQT Best Poster and Presentation Awards recognised outstanding scientific communication. Yang Liu received the Best Poster Award for her exceptional visual presentation, while Jibin N Sunil was awarded for the best Flash Talk presentation. Both winners are members of Professor Dominik Zumbühl's research group. Congratulations!