Call for Georg H. Endress Postdoc Fellows

The Center for Quantum Science and Quantum Computing (QSQC) of the Universities of Basel (Switzerland) and Freiburg (Germany), embedded in EUCOR – The European Campus, invites applications for a new postdoctoral fellow hosted in Freiburg to start in2024. The Center seeks to attract outstanding young talents to engage in cutting-edge projects involving the research groups present at Basel and Freiburg. The ideal Georg H. Endress Fellow has recently finished a PhD in experimental or theoretical physics (or related areas), is of the highest caliber of intellectual achievement, and is eager to shape the academic environment in research and teaching at both nodes. Fellows will be appointed for three years, and will be selected by the GHE Committee on the basis of scientific excellence demonstrated at an early-career stage, as well as quality and creativity of the proposed research in the QSQC target areas. The Fellows enjoy full independence in selection and focus of research direction at one of the two nodes throughout their three-year fellowship term, with the intention of bridging and combining activities in the two nodes.

The Georg H. Endress Postdoc cluster is a dedicated ten-year initiative to foster and educate outstanding young scientists to provide the academic talent and technology skills for the rapidly developing field of quantum science. The Georg H. Endress Fellows will complement and expand the present strategic strengths in research at the Center. Target areas of the Center involve quantum computation, simulation, sensing and metrology, quantum technologies, complex quantum systems, quantum materials, and other emerging topics in quantum science. In previous calls, the Center has already appointed 28 Fellows and is now opening a 7th call aiming to appoint a new Fellow at the University of Freiburg (Germany).

Applications contain the candidate’s CV and a short (up to two pages) research statement describing the projects he or she would like to pursue. Furthermore, candidates are requested to arrange for two confidential letters of reference. Applications and letters shall be submitted online, via  The University of Freiburg is an equal opportunity employer.

Further information for applicants can be found here.

The application deadline is 30 September 2024. Applications will continue to be accepted and evaluated until the position is filled. For information, please visit or contact us on

(call opened 22 July 2024)

Selection procedure & criteria

The Fellows are selected by the GHE Committee on the basis of scientific excellence demonstrated at an early-career stage, as well as by the quality and creativity of the proposed research in the targeted areas of Quantum Science and Quantum Computation. The evaluation is based on the complete application file submitted by the applicants and can be complemented by inviting suitable candidates for a seminar (typically online) and possibly by requesting additional letters of reference or information from potential hosts at the two nodes. The Committee strives for a fair and transparent selection of the best talents across fields, by particularly taking into account the criteria of excellence specific for each field, and for a diverse composition of Fellows. A Committee member who is intended as potential host for a candidate, will abstain from voting about this particular candidate.

Applicants will be informed about the outcome of a given selection round in due time by email. Reasonable requests about the current status of applications can be addressed to

The selected Fellows enjoy full independence in selection and focus of research direction within the two nodes throughout their three-year fellowship term, with the intention of bridging and combining activities in the two nodes. The GHE Fellowship runs maximally three years, extensions are not possible. However, Fellows who stay on after their GHE Fellowship has officially ended may keep their Fellow status until they leave their positions for good.

(updated 5 January 2022)