Center for Quantum Computing and Quantum Coherence (QC2)
The Center for Quantum Computing and Quantum Coherence (QC2) devotes its research to topics including quantum-confined semiconductors, superconductors, topological quantum materials, light–matter interaction, magnonic insulators, strongly interacting quantum matter and quantum transport, with a focus on quantum computing and quantum information science. A common theme in quantum computing is the physics of quantum coherence and quantum entanglement in a noisy many-body environment and how to maintain and control them efficiently.
The ultimate goal of this research is to determine if a scalable quantum computer — the holy grail of quantum science — is allowed under realistic conditions by the laws of nature. This has become one of the most challenging and fundamental questions in modern physics, both in experiment and theory. The research in this area is extremely rich and broad, providing a most attractive learning and working environment for enthusiastic talents with many scientific and professional career opportunities.
The QC2 center was established in 2005 by research groups in both theoretical and experimental condensed-matter physics at the University of Basel. The center is closely interacting with the Swiss National Center of Competence in Research "Spin Qubits in Silicon" NCCR Spin led by the same university in close collaboration with IBM Zurich, ETH Zurich, and EPFL.
Prof. Daniel Loss
Professor of Theoretical Physics
Condensed Matter Theory
Prof. Jelena Klinovaja
Assoc. Professor of Theoretical Physics
Condensed Matter Theory
Prof. Andrea Hofmann
Asst. Professor of Experimental Physics
Quantum Electron Devices Lab
Prof. Ernst Meyer
Professor of Experimental Physics
UHV Force Microscopy Lab
Prof. Patrick Potts
Asst. Professor of Theoretical Physics
Quantum Thermodynamics
Prof. em. Christian Schönenberger
Professor of Experimental Physics
Quantum- and Nanoelectronics Lab
Prof. Dominik Zumbühl
Professor of Experimental Physics
Quantum Coherence Lab